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léas1, m. (gs. léis, pl. ~acha). 1. Ray of light; light, radiance. (a) ~ solais, ray, beam, streak, of light. Ar ~ an lae, by daylight. Idir thú is ~, silhouetted against the light, the sky. (b) Gleam, glimmer. Níl ~ ina shúile; níl ~ radhairc aige, he hasn’t a glimmer of sight. (c) ~ céille, dóchais, ray of sense, of hope. ~ léargais, ray of insight. Níl ~ aige, he has no sense at all. (d) ~ (doininne, caortha), (rainbow) light near horizon portending storm, (sea-) dog. 2. Weal, welt; red spot, blister. ~acha a thógáil ar dhuine, to welt s.o.; to make a blistering verbal attack on s.o.
léas2, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). Lease. ~ a thógáil, a ghlacadh, ar rud, to take a lease of sth. ~ ar thalamh, ar theach, lease of land, of house. ~ na feirme, the lease of the farm. Rud a ligean ar ~, to lease out sth. ~ foirgníochta, dílseánaigh, building, proprietory, lease. D’éag, thit, an ~, the lease expired. Ba ghearr a ~ air, he didn’t hold it for long. I ~ do shaoil, during your lifetime, for the duration of your life. Tá a ~ caite, his term (of life) is expired. Tá ~ ar a shaol aige, (i) he has a new lease of life, (ii) he bears a charmed life. Níl ~ ag an óige ar a saol ach oiread leis an aois, death comes to young and old alike.
léas3, f. (gs. léise, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1 = dias1. 2. Cornstalk (with ear). Ceanna ~, gleanings. 3. Wisp of straw.
léas4, v.t. Welt; thrash, flog. Duine a ~adh, to welt s.o.; to strike s.o. hard.
léas5, var. sg. p. of léigh.
Ceart, léas, dílseánaigh, proprietory right, lease.
Áit, conradh, cumann, léas, ~a, building site, contract, society, lease.
~ (maith) a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a (good) trouncing.
Chonaic mé ~ idir mé is léas, I saw a shape against the light.
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