leasaigh, v.t. & i. 1. Amend, reform, improve. Do bheatha a leasú, to amend one’s life. Díobháil a leasú, to undo harm, ~ d’iompar, mend your ways. Dlí a leasú, to amend a law. Is beag a ~ tú an scéal, you didn’t improve matters much. 2. (a) Cure, preserve. Iasc, feoil, a leasú, to cure fish, meat. Toradh leasaithe, preserved fruit. Mairteoil leasaithe, corned beef. Im leasaithe, salted butter. Scadán leasaithe, kipper. (b) Dress, curry. Seithe, leathar, a leasú, to dress, cure, a hide, leather. (c) Season, flavour. Bia a leasú, to season food. Cabáiste leasaithe, cabbage flavoured with bacon, etc. 3. Dress, manure, fertilize. Talamh a leasú, to manure land. ~ le fosfáit é, dress it with phosphates.
Do bheatha a leasú, to amend one’s life.
~ a leasú, to cure a hide.
Lot leidhbe gan leasú air! May he rot in his pelt!
~ beatha, amendment of one’s life.
Rún leasaithe, purpose of amendment.
~ reachta, amendment of statute.
~ earráide, correction of error.
~ éagóra, redress of injustice.
~ téacsanna, revision of texts.
Bheith ó ~, to be beyond reclaim.
~ bagúin, éisc, bacon-, fish-, curing.
~ deataigh, smoking (of fish, etc.).
~ leidhbe, leathair, dressing, curing, of hide, of leather.
Thug sí ~ na leidhbe dó, she gave him a dressing-down.
~ sailéid, salad dressing.
~ talún, manuring, fertilization, of land.
~ geimhridh, winter manuring.
~ nítrigineach, nitrogenous fertilizer.
~ faoi chois, surface dressing.
~ leasaithe, gan leasú, dressed, undressed, leather.
~ a leasú, to redress a grievance.
Leasú ~e, nitrate fertilizer.
~ leasaithe, preserving-pan.
An ~ a shileadh, a oibriú, a leasú, to drain, work, fertilize, the land.