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Similar words: béalaigh · balaigh · beagaigh · baslaigh · béalraigh
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bealaigh could be a grammatical form of: bealach »
bealaigh1, v.t. Grease. Carr a bhealú, to grease a car. Feoil a bhealú, to baste meat. Arán a bhealú, to butter bread. Cabáiste a bhealú, to boil cabbage with bacon, etc. Bia bealaithe, greasy, rich, food. Méara bealaithe, greasy, sticky, fingers. Aghaidh bhealaithe, smudgy face. Craiceann buí bealaithe, yellow oily skin. Teanga bhealaithe, smooth tongue. Caint bhealaithe, unctuous speech.
bealaigh2 : bealach.
Ag siúl an bhealaigh, walking the road.
Bhí dhá thaobh an bhealaigh leis, he was zig-zagging, staggering, along the road.
Litir, teachtaire, a chur chun bealaigh, to dispatch a letter, a messenger.
Cuireadh chun bealaigh, chun an bhealaigh mhóir, é, he was sent off, sacked.
Fágadh, cuireadh, ar dhroim an bhealaigh mhóir iad, they were left homeless, driven out on the road.
Bealaí imdháilte, distribution channels.
Eolas an bhealaigh a chur, to ask one’s way.
Thug sé eolas an bhealaigh dom, he put me on the right road, showed me where to go.
Tá fios a bhealaigh aige, he knows where he is going, what he is doing.
Tabhair cead an bhealaigh dó, let him have his way, do as he pleases.
Ní raibh mé riamh an ~ sin, sna bealaí sin, I never went in that direction, was never in those parts.
I rith an bhealaigh, all the way.
Tá bealaí (beaga) dó féin aige, he has his own (little) peculiarities.
Tá bealaí ann, he is deceitful.
~ bhealaigh, toll.
ceathrar, bealaigh, column of fours, of route.
Chuir tú ~ bealaigh ort féin, you took a roundabout way.
Tháinig na bealaí ~ orm, I was uncertain which way to take.
Rinne sé eolas an bhealaigh dom, he directed me on my way.
Duine a chur ar dhroim an bhóthair, an bhealaigh mhóir, to drive s.o. out of house and home.
~ bealaigh, slí, waylaying, hold-up, highway robbery; cheating, robbery.
Chuaigh sé ~ an bhealaigh liom, he went all the way with me.
~ bealaigh mhóir, strip of grass along side of road.
Ar fhód an bhealaigh mhóir, on the side of the road.
Bhí sé ag ~ an bhealaigh leis, he was working his way along.
~ bealaithe, basting spoon.
Ná bíodh dhá thaobh an bhealaigh mhóir leat, don’t be going from side to side of the road.
~ bealaigh, ~ slí (go), half-way (to).
~ bhealaigh, route-march.
Tá sé ~ (bealaigh, slí) chun na háite, it is a mile (journey) to the place.
Ag mothú a bhealaigh, feeling his way.
~ bhealaithe, lubricating oil.
Is mór an ~ bealaigh é, it is a long stretch of road.
Duine a ~eadh chun bealaigh, chun bóthair, chun siúil, to let s.o. go his way; to dismiss s.o.
Tá siad ina ~ ar fud an bhealaigh, they are strung out along the road.
Ní thabharfaidh an traein ach leath bealaigh iad, the train will only take them half-way.
~ aineolas an bhealaigh a chuamar ansin, we went there because we didn’t know the way.
~ bealaigh a thabhairt do dhuine, to let s.o. lead the way.
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