Bhí sé romham ag teacht dom, he met me when I was coming.
Chonaic mé an fear romham, I saw (to my surprise) a man in front of me.
Bhí sé i m~ an tseoil romham, he was there when I came along.
Bhuail mé romham go bhfuair mé dídean na hoíche, I kept right on till I got shelter for the night.
Chuir mé romham an teanga a fhoghlaim, I made up my mind to learn the language.
Romham agus i mo dhiaidh, before and after me.
Bhí sé ag siúl ~ romham, he was walking right in front of me.
Is ea anois, tá tú anseo romham, well now, here you are before me.
D’~ giorria romham, a hare rose in front of me.
An leat an teach? Is liom, agus ba le m’athair romham é. Is the house yours? It is, and it was my father’s before me.
Ní raibh aon duine ~ romham, there was no one in when I got there; I found no one at home.
Cad a bheadh romham ~ asal? What should I find there but a donkey?
~ nach raibh fáilte romham, seeing that I was not welcome.
Thóg sí an t-~ romham, she made a great fuss of me.
Romham amach, out, right, in front of me.
Críost romham, may Christ lead me.
Bí romham ag an stáisiún, be at the station to meet me.
Tháinig sé romham faoi bhealach, he intercepted me on the way.
Ná bí ag teacht romham ar gach focal, don’t interrupt me every time I say a word.
Bhí sé ansiúd ina ~ romham, he was standing there when I arrived.
Tháinig sé romham ar an liosta, he came before me on the list.
Tháinig sé romham sa tslí, he intercepted me on the way.
Ná bí ag teacht romham ar gach focal, don’t anticipate every word I say.
Chuaigh sé romham sa chomhrá, he interrupted my conversation.
~ go leor, bhí sé ann romham, opportunely enough, he was there before me.
Ní thabharfainn d’~ dó go ligfinn romham é, I wouldn’t honour him by giving him precedence.