~ file, scoláire, the makings of a poet, of a scholar.
Scoláire ~ as, a middling scholar.
~ de scoláire, a kind of scholar, a scholar of sorts.
~ léinn, learned man, scholar.
Aos, lucht, léinn, learned people, students, scholars.
~ de na scoláirí, some of the scholars.
~ duine uasail, a scholar and a gentleman.
Tá scoláirí maithe aige, he has apt scholars.
~ bocht, ‘poor scholar,’ (itinerant) student-teacher dependent on hospitality.
~ Laidine, Latin scholar.
~ agus staraí, scholar and historian.
Thóg sé cuid mhaith ó na scoláirí, he learned a lot from the scholars.
Scoláirí an ~ bliain, na ~ bliana, the third-year scholars.