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Chuala mé an scread san oíche, I heard a (sudden) scream in the night.
Scread chráite, agonizing scream.
Bhí sí sa chruth (is) go screadfadh sí, she was ready to scream.
Scread, scairt, a dhéanamh, to give a scream, a shout.
Bhí gach aon scread dhearg aige, he was screaming furiously.
Fead, scread, ghéar, shrill whistle, scream.
Scread ghéibheannach, cry of distress; fearful scream.
~ chaointe, hoarse scream.
Pian, scread, bás, ~, agonizing pain, scream, death.
Fead, gáir, osna, scread, a ~ean, to give a whistle, a shout, a sigh, a scream.
Scread, béic, búir, a ~ean asat, to let out a scream, a yell, a roar.
Bhí míle ~ acu ina dhiaidh, they were screaming murder after him.
1. ~ a ligean, to scream.
Scread a ~ mo chroí, a scream that pierced my heart.
~ chráite, agonizing scream.
Scread ~, terrible scream.
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