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Similar words: crios · scris · sprios · strios · scíos
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scrios1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. Destruction, ruin. Tháinig ~ ar shaol na tuaithe, the life of the countryside was destroyed. Rinneadh ~ ar na barra, the crops were ruined. Níl ~ i dtír ach é, it is utterly ruinous. Déanfaidh siad ~, they will create havoc; they will kick up a rumpus. (As imprecation) ~ (fia) orm (má), I’m jiggered (if). ~ (lom, dearg) orthu! Blast them! 2. (a) Scrapings, parings. ~ ingne, nail-parings. Lit: Scian scris, scraping-knife. (b) Light covering. Cuir ~ beag ar an iomaire, put a little soil on top of the ridge. 3. Var. vn. of scrios2.
scrios2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~adh m, gs. ~ta). 1. (a) Scrape, tear, off. ~ an mheirg de, scrape the rust off it. Ná ~ an craiceann díot féin, don’t tear the skin off yourself. Tá siad ag ~adh an chrainn, they are barking the tree. ~ sé díom, it scraped off, grazed, me. (b) Scratch out, erase, delete. ~ an focal sin, delete that word. ~adh a ainm as an liosta, his name was struck off the list. ~ amach é, rub it out; cancel it. (c) ~ leat! Be off! 2. Destroy, ruin. Baile, cine, tír, a ~adh, to destroy a town, a race, a country. Ná ~ thú féin leis, don’t ruin yourself with it. Táimid ~ta acu, they have ruined, impoverished, us.
Scrios an t-~, delete the (figure) one.
Scrios an ~, delete the (figure) four.
Dochar, scrios, a dhéanamh, to do, cause, harm, destruction.
Scrios ~ orthu! Damnation take them!
Millte, scriosta, ~, completely spoiled, destroyed.
Scrios an ~, delete the nine.
Fuair sé a ~ scriosta, he found his home destroyed.
Scrios an t-~ é, drink ruined him.
Tá siad scriosta lena ~, they are ruined for life.
Scrios an ~, delete the (figure) six.
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