Suí sa chlúid, to sit in the chimney-corner, beside the fire.
Suí i g~, to sit in a corner.
Éirí sa leaba, sa chathaoir, to sit up in bed, in the chair. (Of resurrection)
Go dtuga Dia an ghlóir dóibh; ar dheis na ~e go raibh siad, may they share in God’s glory; may they sit at the right hand of God.
Bheith sáite sa ~, to be stuck in the ashes, to be a sit-by-the-fire.
Ná bí i do shuí ansin ag meabhrú, don’t sit there in a brown study.
Bheith i do shuí go ~, to be sitting in comfort; to be comfortably well off.
Suí, luí, ~ sa chathaoir, to sit, to lie, back in the chair.
Bheith i do shuí, i do luí, go ~, to be sitting, lying, in comfort.
Níl ~ suaimhnis agam leo, they won’t let me sit in peace.
Suí i mbreithiúnas ar dhuine, to sit in judgment on s.o.
Suígí isteach chun an bhoird agus ~ígí oraibh, sit in to the table and help yourselves.
Tá sé ar ~ sa leaba, he has to be helped to sit up in bed.
Bhí siad ina suí i d~ an bhus, they were sitting in the front part of the bus.
Ba dheas suí anseo ar an ~ tamall, it would be nice to sit here in seclusion for a while.
Suí in ~ duine, to sit in s.o.’s lap.