smut1, m. (gs. & npl. -uit, gpl. ~). 1. Stump; short piece, portion. ~ adhmaid, chunk of wood. ~ coinnle, stub of candle. ~ den oíche, a while of the night. Tá ~ den cheart agat, you are partly right. Déan dhá ~ de, chop it in two. 2. Snout. ~ ainmhí, animal’s snout. Buail sa ~ é, hit him on the snot. ~ mosach, surly mug. 3. Sulky expression, huff. ~ a bheith ort le duine, to be huffed with s.o. Ná cuir ~ air, don’t put him in the sulks. Tá sé faoi ~ ar fad, he is always grumpy.
smut2, v.t. (vn. ~adh m, gs. & pp. ~a1). 1. Truncate, shorten. 2 = smiot.