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Tá na réaltaí ar an ~, the stars are out.
~ réaltach, star ascidian.
~tha le réaltaí, studded with stars.
~ réalta, meridian of star.
Is mór atá an spéir ag ~eamh anocht, there are a great many shooting stars tonight.
~ na cuideachta, the star of the company.
2. Tá ~í ar na réaltaí, the stars are glittering.
Ag ~ leis na réaltaí, ‘coasting by the stars’, rambling at night.
~ na réaltaí, the configuration of the stars.
~ réaltaí, the twinkle of stars.
Rugadh é faoi dhrochphláinéad, he was born under an unlucky star.
Réalta eolais, guiding star.
Ní raibh na réaltaí le ~eáil, the stars were not visible.
Greagnaithe le clocha, le sliogáin, le réaltaí, studded with rocks, with shells, with stars.
An ~ linbh sin, that ill-starred child; that mischievous imp.
Na milliúin réalta, millions of stars.
5. Mhúch an tine, an lampa, na réaltaí, the fire, the lamp, the stars, went out.
Réalta ~, new, newly-discovered, star.
Gheall sé na hoirc is na hairc dom, he promised me the moon and the stars.
~ a bheith anuas ort, to be ill-starred, dogged by ill luck.
An ~ agus na réaltaí, the moon and the stars.
1. ~ sheasta, fixed star.
~ dhúbailte, double star.
~ eolais, guiding star, lodestar.
~ an mhadra, the dog-star, Sirius.
~ na maidine, the morning star.
An ~ nóna, the evening star.
~ reatha, shooting star.
An ~ thuaidh, the north star.
~ an aonaigh, star of assembly.
~ scannán, film-star.
Bhí sé chomh maith agat ~ a chur ar na réaltaí, you might as well try to count the stars.
An réalta a sheol iad, the star that guided them.
~ na réaltaí, the glittering of the stars.
Is olc an ~ atá air, he is an ill-starred person.
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