seol1, m. (gs. -oil, pl. ~ta). 1. Sail. ~ bairr, topsail. ~ cinn, jib. ~ cleithe, gaff-sail. ~ deiridh, mizzen-sail. ~ doininne, ~ gaoithe móire, storm-sail, trysail. ~ gearr, ~ giortach, shortened sail. ~ mór, mainsail. ~ spreoide, sprit-sail. ~ stagh, staysail. ~ tosaigh, foresail. ~ta ó bhord, lower sails. Long, soitheach, seoil, sailing-ship, -vessel. ~ a ardú, a thógáil, to hoist sail. Thóg sé a sheolta, he set sail, departed. ~ a ísliú, a leagan, to lower, strike, sail. Ag iompar seoil, carrying sail. Faoi lán seoil, an tseoil, under full sail. S.a. cúrsa 2, riocht 3. 2. Lit: Covering, canopy. ~ dobróin, pall of sorrow. 3. (a) Drift, trend; course, direction; flow, motion. ~ smaointe, trend of thoughts. Cad é an ~ atá fút anois? What course are you set on now? Where are you heading for now? Tá siad ar an ~ sin ó mhaidin, they have been going on like that all day. Duine a chur de dhroim seoil, to thwart s.o.; to subvert s.o. ~ mara, tidal motion of sea. D’éistfinn trí sheol mara leis, I would never tire of listening to him. Ar ~ suthain, in eternal motion. (b) Tá gach aon rud ar sheol na braiche againn, everything is going smoothly with us. Bhí sé ar sheol na braiche ag imeacht, he was ready and eager to go. S.a. béal 7 (c).
seol2, m. (gs. -oil, pl. ~ta). Tex: Loom. ~ láimhe, hand-loom. ~ innill, power-loom.
seol3, m. (gs. -oil). 1. Lit: Bed, couch. 2. Luí seoil, lying in. Leaba luí seoil, childbed. Bean seoil, woman in childbirth. Ní raibh neart mná seoil ionam, I was as weak as could be. S.a. crann 6(b), fiabhras.
seol4, v.t. & i. 1. Sail. (a) Bád a sheoladh, to sail a boat. ~adh thar muir, to sail across the sea. Nuair a sheol an long, when the ship sailed. (b) Na néalta ag ~adh trasna na spéire, the clouds sailing across the sky. 2. Send, dispatch; direct, guide. Ba a sheoladh chun féaraigh, to drive, lead, cows to pasture. Duine a sheoladh ar bhealach a leasa, to guide s.o. along the right road. An réalta a sheol iad, the star that guided them. ~ isteach é, show him in. An té a sheol anseo mé, the person who directed me to come here. Cad é a sheol an bealach seo é? What prompted him to come this way? Cibé gaoth a sheol chugainn iad, whatever wind wafted them to us, whatever chance brought them here. Lit: Sheol sé saighead air, he launched an arrow at him. Ní maith a ~adh é, he was not well guided, instructed. 3. Address. Litir, beart, a sheoladh chuig duine, to address a letter, a parcel, to s.o. 4. Ph: Conduct. Teas, sruth leictreachais, a sheoladh, to conduct heat, an electric current. 5. (Of goods) Ship.
Ag seoladh díreach ar an ~, sailing straight before the wind.
Sheol an bád air, the boat sailed without him, he missed the boat.
Seol a ardú, to hoist a sail.
Seol a athrú, to shift sail.
Seol a chur i m~ píce, to peak a sail.
~ a chur i seol, to reef a sail.
Bhí sé i m~ an tseoil romham, he was there when I came along.
Seolta ~a (bacóideacha), bellying sails.
Seolta a bholgadh, to fill, swell, sails.
~ bhán, dhubh, náisiúnta, sheolta, white, black, national, sailing, flag.
Seol a chaitheamh thart, to jib a sail.
Cad é an ~ mara a sheol anseo é? What mischance brought him here?
Seol, ancaire, a cheangal, to bend a sail, an anchor.
Rámh, crann seoil, a chnagadh, to spring an oar, a mast.
Seoladh le ~ ghaoithe, to sail with a fair wind.
Seol a chornadh, to furl a sail.
~ seoil, siúil, bedstead.
Seolta a chrapadh, to clew up sails.
Seol a chrochadh, to hoist a sail.
Chroch sé a sheolta, he hoisted his sails.
~ seoil, brataí, the hoisting of a sail, of a flag.
Crann seoil a chuibhriú, to guy a mast.
Cuir stampa agus seoladh ar an litir, stamp and address the letter.
~(í) a chur i seol; dul i gcúrsaí, to reef (a sail).
Cuir ~ i do sheol mór, (i) reef your mainsail, (ii) restrain yourself a bit.
Seol a chúrsáil, to reef a sail.
Seol a dhéanamh, to make sail.
Crann, seol, deiridh, mizzen-mast, -sail.
~ coimhdeach(ta), seoil, puerperal fever.
Puball, bratach, seol, a fhilleadh, to fold, furl, a tent, a flag, a sail.
Seol a ghiorrú, to shorten sail.
~ (seoil), web (in loom).
Crann, seol, a iompar, to carry a mast, a sail.
Níl ~ seoil sa bhád, the boat cannot carry sail.
Faoi ~ seoil, under full sail.
~ seoil, lacing, lashing, of sail.
Tá sí ina ~ luí seoil, she is in confinement.
Seol a ~an, to lower a sail.
~ sé ar a sheolta, he slackened speed.
seolta, bratach, lowering of sails, of flags.
Ag seoladh ar ~ na gaoithe, sailing down the wind.