stiúradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of stiúir2. 2. Steering. Gléas, crann, compás, stiúrtha, steering-gear, -column, -compass. ~ maith a thabhairt do bhád, to steer a boat well. Tá an bád ó ~, the boat is out of control. Chaill an long an ~, the ship refused to steer. 3. Guidance, direction, control. Bheith faoi ~ duine, to be under the direction of s.o. ~ na tíre, the helm of the state. Bord stiúrtha, governing body. Coiste stiúrtha, steering committee. Modh stiúrtha gnó, method of directing a business. S.a. téadán.
~ stiúrtha, steering quadrant.
Níl ~ stiúrtha ar bith ar na páistí sin, those children do not appear to be under any control.
~ iniúchta, stiúrtha, inspection, steering-, committee.
~ stiúrtha, mairnéalaigh, steering, mariner’s, compass.
~ stiúrtha, steering device.
~ adhainte, ceangail, rialaithe, stiúrtha, ignition, link-, regulator-, control, lever.
Níl ~ ná stiúradh ar na páistí aige, he has let the children get completely out of control.
2. ~ stiúrtha, tiomána, steering-, driving-, wheel.
Long a stiúradh, to steer a ship.
Stiúradh leis an ngaoth, to steer by the wind.
Carr, eitleán, a stiúradh, to steer a car, an aeroplane.
Capall a stiúradh, to lead a horse.
Duine a stiúradh chun áite, to pilot a person to a place.
Fir oibre a stiúradh, to direct workmen.
Gnó a stiúradh, to conduct a business.
Scrúdú a stiúradh, to superintend an examination.