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Similar words: atarlú · táblú · talún · tar · tar-
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tarlú could be a grammatical form of: tarlaigh »
tarlú1, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of tarlaigh1. 2. Incident, occurrence.
tarlú2, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of tarlaigh2. 2. Haulage. Fear tarlaithe, haulage man. Capall tarlaithe, draught-horse. 3. (Of harvest) Garnering. Féasta an tarlaithe, harvest home. 4. Demand. Is orthu a bhí an ~, they were in great demand. (Var: tarlamh m, tarló(dh) m)
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