Gathering (in) of the crop, tarlú an fhómhair.
Haulage contractor, conraitheoir m tarlaithe.
Haulage man, fear m tarlaithe.
While it was happening, agus é ag tarlú.
To light (up)on sth., tarlú ar rud; teacht ar rud gan choinne.
To be of frequent occurrence, tarlú go minic; titim amach go minic.
To take place, tarlú; a bheith ann.
To consider the possibility of an event, cuimhneamh an bhféadfadh a leithéid tarlú. There is no possibility of my going there, níl seans ar bith go ngabhfad ann.
He foresees all the possibilities, is léir dó gach rud a d'fhéadfadh tarlú.
A possible event, rud a d'fhéadfadh tarlú.
Unrehearsed incident, tarlú m nach raibh súil leis.