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teaching could be a grammatical form of: teach »
~ ar obair tí, ar theagasc, inexperienced at house-work, at teaching.
An t-uan ag múineadh méilí dá mháthair, the lamb teaching its mother how to bleat.
An ~ díreach, direct method of teaching.
~ staire, teangacha, the teaching of history, of languages.
An ~ a fuair sé, the teaching, training, he got.
Dul le ~, to go in for teaching.
An mhúinteoireacht a chleachtadh, to practise (the art of) teaching.
~ múinteoireachta, banaltrachta, foriata, teaching, nursing, enclosed, order.
~ sé dár dteagasc, he stopped teaching us.
~ ábhair, the teaching of a subject.
~ na hEaglaise, the teaching of the Church.
Ag teagasc sa T~, teaching in the Temple.
Ag múineadh ~ Ghaeilge, teaching through the medium of Irish.
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