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teach could be a grammatical form of: each »
teach, m. (gs. tí, pl. tithe; ds. form tigh used in certain phrases).House. 1. Habitation, dwelling. (a)~ a thógáil duit féin, to build a house for oneself. Dul i d~, i mbun tí, to set up house. ~ agus talamh, (property in) house and land. S.a. bean11, cailín 2, fear11(a), líon31, muintir 5, obair 1(a), treibh 1. (b)~ ceann tuí, ceann slinne, thatched, slated, house. ~ dhá stór, two-storeyed house. ~ cathrach, town-house. ~ coiteora, labourer’s cottage. ~ geata, gatehouse. ~ tíre, ~ tuaithe, country-house. ~ mór, (i) large house; mansion, (ii) main building, (iii) F: mental hospital. (c)~ bainise, wedding-house. ~ cuartaíochta, house frequented by visitors. S.a. cearrbhachas, cuideachta 1(a), siúl 4(b).(d)Tigh seo againne, in our house. Tigh Bhriain, in Brian’s house. Tigh na comharsan, in a neighbour’s house. (e)Lit:Dul, teacht, i d~ duine, to make submission to s.o. (f) Household. 2. (a) Public building. ~ parlaiminte, house of parliament. ~ pobail, chapel, church. ~ siopa, business house, shop. ~ solais, lighthouse. ~ spéire, skyscraper. ~ sraithe, toll-house. S.a. aíocht, bocht1, gealt 1, itheachán 1, ól12(b), ósta12, scoil 2(a), stór12, tábhairne. (b) Structure resembling house. Hist:~ allais, sweat-house. ~ beag, latrine, privy. ~ deice, deck-house. ~ gloine, glass-house, greenhouse. ~ stiúrach, wheel-house. ~ talún, underground chamber. 3. ~ Dé, (i) God’s house, church, (ii) heaven. Dul i dtigh diabhail, to go to blazes.
A dtithe, a n-ainmneacha, their houses, their names.
An teach a raibh sé ina chónaí ann, the house in which he lived.
~ tí, base of house.
Tá sé in ~, is ~ dó, teach a cheannach, he can afford to buy a house.
~ tí, household equipment.
~í tí, household utensils.
Ag an teach, an scoil, at the house, the school.
An teach seo againne, our house.
Tá teach agus talamh aige, he has a house and land.
Ní raibh agam ach an teach a dhíol, I had no alternative but to sell the house.
~ an tí, an chnoic, the front of the house, the hill.
Ní raibh mé i m’~ riamh go dtí anois, never before was I in such a fix.
~ ar obair tí, ar theagasc, inexperienced at house-work, at teaching.
Teach ~a, inn, guest-house.
Tá an teach in ~ aige, he has eaten all the food there was in the house.
Teach airneáin, a house frequented by night-visitors.
~ tí, cruaiche, site for a house, for a stack.
Teach agus ~, house and holding.
Teach aitheantais, familiar, friendly, house.
Aghaidh, teach, áit, ~, beautiful face, house, place.
~ as an teach, out of the house.
~ is isteach sa teach, in and out of the house.
An teach ~, the next house.
Tá fear an tí ~, the man of the house is out, not at home.
~ as an teach, out of, away from, the house.
Tá na tithe gann, houses are scarce.
Tá ~ bhreá ag an teach, the house is airy, spacious.
Teach breá ~, well-ventilated, spacious, house.
Go dtí ~, until tonight.
Tá an teach ag dul chun ~, the house is getting weather-beaten, falling into disrepair.
~ teach is fiche, twenty-one houses.
Teach aonair, detached, isolated, house.
Ár dtithe, ár n-ainmneacha, our houses, our names.
~ a chur ar theach, ar do shaol, to insure a house, one’s life.
Níl teach ná ~ aige, he has neither house nor home.
Árais tí, household vessels.
Teach fuar ~, cold bleak house.
Ó ~ go mac; ón ~ go dtí an mac, from father to son; in direct line.
Teach a athchóiriú, to renovate a house.
Teach ~a, bakery.
Cuir ~ ar an teach, put the house in order.
Nuair a bhain mé an teach amach, when I got to the house.
Bhí an teach lán go ~, the house was packed.
Gach ~ den teach, den domhan, every place in the house, in the world.
Teach, hata, capall, ~, white house, hat, horse.
Tá an teach, an áit, ~, the house, the place, is deserted.
~ tí, housewifery.
~ (mhór) de theach, large unadorned house; barn, barrack.
~ tí, teaghlaigh, the women of a household.
~ an tí, the top storey.
~ ar obair tí, ar theagasc, inexperienced at house-work, at teaching.
Fios a bhéas a mhúineadh do dhuine, to teach s.o. manners.
Bainfidh an saol ~ as, the world will teach him a lesson. (With article)
~ a thabhairt, a léamh, a scríobh, a mhúineadh, a fhoghlaim, to give, read, write, teach, learn, a lesson.
Thug sin ~ dó, that taught him sense.
~ a dhéanamh de dhuine, (i) to convert s.o. to Christianity, (ii) to teach s.o. charity, compassion.
Rud a insint a mhíniú, a mhúineadh, do dhuine, to tell, explain, teach, sth. to s.o.
Do dhon is do dhuais ort! ~ is duais ort! Mo dhon is mo dhoghrainn ort (agus ar d’oide múinte)! Bad cess to you (and to whoever taught you)!
Rinne sin ~ é, that helped him to understand; that taught him a lesson.
Is breá an fhoghlaim a thug tú dó, you taught him well;
Rud a fhoghlaim do dhuine, to teach sth. to s.o.
~ a chur i nduine, to teach s.o. patience; to pacify s.o.
Na litreacha a mhúineadh do leanbh, to teach a child his letters, the alphabet.
An t-uan ag múineadh méilí dá mháthair, the lamb teaching its mother how to bleat.
An ~ díreach, direct method of teaching.
Ábhair léinn a mhúineadh, to teach educational subjects.
Peil, snámh, cleasa lúith, a mhúineadh, to teach football, swimming, athletics.
2. Ciall, béasa, fios a ghnóthaí, a mhúineadh do dhuine, to teach s.o. sense, manners, how to mind his own business.
~fidh mise é, I’ll teach him a lesson.
~ staire, teangacha, the teaching of history, of languages.
An ~ a fuair sé, the teaching, training, he got.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to teach s.o. manners; to chastise s.o.
Dul le ~, to go in for teaching.
An mhúinteoireacht a chleachtadh, to practise (the art of) teaching.
~ múinteoireachta, banaltrachta, foriata, teaching, nursing, enclosed, order.
~ sé dár dteagasc, he stopped teaching us.
~ a theagasc do dhuine, to teach s.o. to write.
Mhúin an saol ~, life taught us a lesson.
~ iad lucht ár múinte, those are the people who taught us.
Beidh a shliocht ort, múinfidh an saol thú, in consequence of that life will teach you a lesson.
Is deacair seanslat a shníomh, ‘it is hard to twine an old rod’, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
~ ábhair, the teaching of a subject.
~ na hEaglaise, the teaching of the Church.
An ~ a fuair mé i dtús mo shaoil, what I was taught to do in early life.
Rud a theagasc do dhuine, to teach s.o. sth.
Ag teagasc sa T~, teaching in the Temple.
Duine a thabhairt chun tíreachais, to domesticate s.o., to teach s.o. civility.
Ag múineadh ~ Ghaeilge, teaching through the medium of Irish.
Thug mé ~ maith dó, I taught him a good lesson; I chastised him properly.
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