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each, m. (gs. eich, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Horse, steed. ~ bagáiste, iompair, rása, cogaidh, baggage-, riding-, race-, war-, horse. Myth: ~ uisce, water-horse. Níl ann ach ~ gan adhastar, he is wayward. S.a. claíomh 1, diallait 1, iompú 2(a).
Luigh sé ~ ar an each, he spurred the steed.
An t-each a chur sa charcair, to put the horse in stall.
Giolla cinn eich, boy who leads a horse.
Idir chlaíomh agus each, in full array.
Each, eitleán, cogaidh, war-horse, war-plane.
Idir chos agus each, both horse and foot.
An ~ a chur ar an each cóir, to saddle the right horse, put the blame where it belongs.
Ar each ~, on a swift steed.
D’fhuadaigh a each é, his horse ran away with him.
Each ~, runaway horse.
~ capaill, eich, horse-boy.
Ag ~ a n-each, exercising their horses.
Each gona shrian, a horse plus its bridle.
~ each agus carbad, control of horses and chariots.
~ each, horse-riding, travelling on horseback.
~ each, driving, exercising, of horses.
Ar ~ na n-each, at the turn of events.
Ingne each, horses’ hoofs.
~ each, handling of horses.
Each ~, prancing steed.
~ sé ar a each, he sprang on his horse.
Each ~, nimble steed.
Each ~, swift horse.
~ sé brod ar an each, he spurred the steed.
De phreab eich, from the kick of a horse.
Each ~, tamed horse.
Ní bhíonn ~ maith ag gach each i gcónaí, it is a good horse that never stumbles.
~ eich, horse-tail.
Cú, each, ~, slender hound, steed.
Eacha ~a, fleet steeds.
Eacha ~e sleamhna, sleek and slender steeds.
Treascraíodh an marcach dá each, the rider was thrown heavily from his horse.
Ní troimide an t-each a shrian, a horse is not encumbered by its bridle.
~ na bhfear, na n-each, the tramp of marching men, of horses.
A chéile, each other.
Is cosúil go raibh siad in ~ dá chéile, it seems they were fated for each other.
Daoine a chur in ~ dá chéile; ~ a thabhairt do dhaoine ar a chéile, to bring people together, to introduce people to each other.
Tá ~ chinn aige ar na caoirigh, he knows each individual sheep.
Daoine a chur in ~ dá chéile, to introduce people to each other.
Pingin an ceann, a penny each.
Deoch an fear, a drink for each man.
Ag dul chun anaitis le chéile, getting peeved, angry, with each other.
Tá troscadh ar an A~, (each) Friday is a fast day.
Ar shála a chéile, at each other’s heels.
Ar scilling an ceann, at a shilling each.
Chuaigh siad in ~ a chéile, they went to meet each other.
Le h~, with each other.
Bhí siad ag ardú ar a chéile, they were bidding against each other.
Ag ~t barr dá chéile, vying with each other.
Ag ~t na sál, na gcos, dá chéile, treading on each other’s heels; tripping over each other in their hurry.
Ag ~t an bhóthair dá chéile, racing each other along the road.
Bhí siad ag ~eadh a chéile, they were calling each other names.
Ag baint bairr dá chéile, vying with each other.
D’fháisc siad ~ ar a chéile, they got to grips with each other.
Ag rith i m~ a chéile, running towards each other.
Ag ~ ar a chéile, addressing cutting remarks to each other.
Thug siad ~ agus sláinte dá chéile, they welcomed each other warmly.
Ag ~ a chéile, le chéile, boxing (with) each other.
Ag baint ~í ar a chéile, sparring with each other, trying each other out.
Ag déanamh ~e ar a chéile, crowing over each other.
Le gach boin a ~, to each cow belongs its calf.
Ag borbú chun a chéile, flaring up at each other.
Ag breith ~e ar a chéile, bragging at each other.
Thug siad dhá bhréagach dá chéile, they contradicted each other.
Bhris siad amach le chéile, they fell out with each other.
Ná bígí ag brú a chéile mar sin, don’t push, crowd, each other like that.
Bhuail siad faoi chéile, they ran into each other.
Thug sé ~ éadain do na tithe, he visited each house in succession.
Ag ~ le chéile, pulling each other around.
Gan do dhá chab a bhualadh ar a chéile, without letting your two lips touch each other.
Mar sin a rinne siad a g~ agus a gcumann le chéile, it was thus they pledged their friendship with each other.
Ag caidhleadh na bpinginí ar a chéile, piling the pennies on top of each other.
Ag ~ (ar a, le, chéile), making faces (at each other).
Níl aon chall acu chun a chéile, they have no claim on each other; there is no relationship between them.
D’éirigh siad ~ le chéile, they began to shout at, abuse, each other.
Bhí an bheirt ~te ina chéile, the two were locked in an embrace, were at grips with each other.
Punt an ~, a pound each.
Ag ~ ar a chéile, outbidding each other.
Ag dul i g~ ar a chéile, getting fond of each other.
Thug sé a cheart do gach focal, he gave each word its proper value.
Gach duine acu ar a g~, each in due course.
Ag moladh a chéile, praising each other.
Ag táthú a chéile, binding each other.
Táimid i muinín a chéile, we are dependent on each other.
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