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teagmháil could be a grammatical form of: teagmhaigh »
teagmháil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of teagmhaigh. 2. Meeting, encounter; communication, intercourse. (a) ~ a bheith agat le duine, to meet s.o.; to be in communication with s.o. Ná bíodh aon ~ agat leis an diúlach sin, keep well away from that fellow. ~ gnóthaí, business intercourse. (b) Bhí ~ bheag againn leis an namhaid, we had a slight brush with the enemy. Tá ~ chrua romhainn, we are faced with a stiff encounter. Teacht slán as ~, to survive a battle. Bhí sé san áit ba tibhe ~, he was in the thick of the fight. 3. Touch, contact. Teagmhálacha leictreacha, electric contacts. S.a. mianach1 1(c), pointe 1, uillinn 2.
~ teagmhála, chord of contact.
~ sé isteach sa teagmháil, he hurled himself into the fray.
Ní rabhamar ~ coinne, teagmhála, leo, there weren’t enough of us to meet, to encounter, them.
~ teagmhála, contact mine.
~ teagmhála, junction.
Teagmháil ar dhuine, do dhuine, le duine, to meet s.o.
Teagmháil leis an namhaid, to encounter the enemy.
Is deacair teagmháil leis, he is very touchy.
~ teagmhála, contact angle.
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