Tá an-bhrus á dhéanamh ar an obair aige, he is really tearing into the work.
Bhí ~eacha farraige, gaoithe, ann, there were tearing seas, howling blasts of wind.
Ag ~t na feola, tearing at the meat.
Na madraí ag ~t an chonablaigh, the dogs tearing the carcase.
Bhí siad ag déanamh, ag gabháil, ~ an mháilín dá chéile, they were pulling and tearing at each other.
Ag fuirseadh agus ag stracadh, pulling and tearing.
Bíonn sé ag fuirseadh leis, he keeps tearing along.
Ag ~adh ar rud, grasping at sth.; pulling and tearing at sth.
Bhí sé ag ~ leis, he was tearing away.
Tá siad ag ~adh an urláir, they are tearing up the floor.
~ bóithre, tearing up of roads.
~a gaoithe, tearing gusts of wind.
Níl tú ach á ~eadh, you are only tearing it; you are not cutting it cleanly.
Tá sé ag ~eadh leis, he is tearing away (at work, etc.).
~ scine, sáibh, tearing action of knife, of saw.
Tá an tír á ~adh acu, they are tearing the country apart.
~ is sracadh, pulling and tearing.
3. ~ feirge, tearing rage.
4. ~ gaoithe, tearing, blustery, wind.
Ná bí ag ~eadh do chuid gruaige, don’t keep tearing at your hair.