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Similar words: tras- · treas · treasc · treasn- · breast
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treas-5, pref. Battle-
treas-6, pref. Third.
treas-7, prefix = tras-
treas1, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Line, file. Bhí siad ag máirseáil ina dtreasa, they were marching in files. ~ singil, single file.
treas2, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Combat, battle. Dian i d~, fierce in fray. ~ a thabhairt (do), to give battle (to). Thug sé ~ orthu, he made an attack on them. Ná cuir ~ ar do chairde, don’t make war on your friends. Tá sé chun ~a leat, he is a match for you.
treas3, num. a. (In gs. either nom. or gen. of article & accompanying noun may be used)Third. An ~ duine, the third person. I gceann an ~ lá, an ~ lae, at the end of the third day. B’fhéidir nach dtógfadh an ~ fear an meáchan sin, perhaps there aren’t three men who could lift that weight.
treas4 = dreas1.
Tháinig Brian an treas ~ orthu, Brian came at them for the third attack.
Go ~ nó go treas, by hook or by crook.
Ar an treas lá de gheimhreadh, on the third day of winter, of November.
Is iad an treas ~ iad, they are related in the third degree; they are second cousins.
Díorthach den treas ~, derivative of the third order.
Ag ~ gleo, treasa, giving battle.
Tháinig mise ar an treas glúin ina dhiaidh, I was born into the third generation that came after him.
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