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triail1, f. (gs. -alach, pl. -alacha).1. vn. of triail2. 2. Trial, test. (a)~ a bhaint as rud, to give sth. a trial. Fuair mé ar ~ iad, I got them on trial. ~ tiomána, driving test. ~ luais, speed trial. Trialacha gunna, gun tests. Tá ~ agam ort, I have seen you put to the test. Sin é áit a raibh ~ orthu, that is where they were really tested. (b)Is crua an ~ orthu é, it is a sore trial for them. Ba mhór an ~ a bhí ann, he showed great endurance. Ní maith an ~ a thug na bróga uathu, the shoes didn’t wear too well. (c)Jur:~ choiste, trial by jury. Duine a chur chun a thrialach, to send s.o. for trial. Tugadh chun trialach iad, they were brought to trial. (Var:triáil)
triail2, v.t. & i. Try, test. 1. Leigheas a thriail, to try a remedy. Capall a thriail, to test a horse. Ór a thriail, to prove gold. ~ na bróga sin ort, try on those shoes. Thriail siad a chéile, they tried each other out. Thriail sé éirí, he tried to get up. 2. Jur:Cás a thriail, to try a case. ~eadh os comhair coiste é, he was tried before a jury. (Var:triáil)
~eadh mionn, triail, air, he was put on oath, on trial.
~ cruinnithe, tionóisce, trialach, notice of meeting, of accident, of trial.
1. D’fhortún a lorg, a thriail, to seek, try, one’s fortune.
Má ghabhann triail air, if he is brought to trial.
Triail phoiblí, public trial.
Sháraigh orthu an triail a sheasamh, they failed to stand the test.
Ba mhaith an triail a thug sé uaidh, he stood up to the test very well.
Fisic thrialach, experimental physics.
Scrúdú ~, test-paper.
Píosa ~, test-piece.
Tairiscint thrialach, tentative offer.
Tolladh ~, trial boring.
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