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triall1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~ta; pl. ~ta). 1. vn. of triall2. 2. Journey, expedition. Cá bhfuil do thriall? Where are you going? Mar a mbíodh mo thriall, where I used to resort. Bhí mo thriall go hEochaill, I was on my way to Youghal. Is é is cúis le mo thriall ort, that is why I have come to see you. Is iomaí áit a mbíonn a thriall, he gets around a lot. 3. Lit: Proceeding, attempt. ~ imeachta, attempt to leave. Rinne siad ~ a bhearrtha, they set about tonsuring him.
triall2, v.t. & i. 1. Journey, travel. Is mithid dúinn a bheith ag ~, it is time for us to be on our way. Thriall sé na tíortha ciana, he travelled distant lands. Bhí an long ag ~ ar Éirinn, the ship was bound for Ireland. Tá sé ag ~ ar a mhuintir, he is going to his people. Is fearr dúinn dul ag triall ar chabhair, we had better go for help. Tá tú ag ~ chun na tubaiste, you are heading for disaster. Fear ~ta an róid, wayfarer. 2. Lit: Proceed to, attempt. An gníomh a thriallamar, the deed we set out to do.
Ag triall, ag seoladh, ~, journeying, sailing, west.
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