Tá do ~ airde ann, he is twice as tall as you.
Tá a ~ oiread agam leo, I have twice as much as they have.
Uair nó dhó, once or twice.
Rud ar a dhúbailt, sth. twice over, two-fold.
Fuair sé ~ airgid, he got twice as much money.
Tá (an) ~ agat liom, you have twice as much as I have.
A fhad, a dhá fhad, sin de rópa, a rope as long, twice as long, as that.
~ dhó, ~ chéad, twice, a hundred times.
Ba dhá mhó an ceann eile, the other was twice as big.
Tá a dhá ~ agam leat, I have twice as much as you.
Níor mhór an t~ liom é a dhéanamh, I wouldn’t think twice of doing it.
Nigh aníos as dhá ~ é, rinse it out twice in clean water.