D’ardú glóire na Maighdine, to extol the glory of the Virgin.
An Mhaighdean Bheannaithe, the Blessed Virgin.
Seacht n~ (na Maighdine Muire), the seven dolours (of the Virgin Mary).
An Té a ~eadh i mBeithil, ó Mhuire Ógh, He who was born in Bethlehem, of the Virgin Mary.
Trí ~ na Maighdine Muire, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.
~ den Mhaighdean Mhuire, statue of the Virgin Mary.
~ Muire na hÓighe, the Son of Mary, of the Virgin.
An Mhaighdean Mhuire, the Virgin Mary.
An Mhaighdean Bheannaithe, the Blessed Virgin.
~ veisteach, vestal virgin.
Maighdean a mhilleadh, to spoil a virgin.
~ Ógh, ~ Mhaighdean, the Virgin Mary.
Muire Ó~, the Virgin Mary.
Mac na hÓighe, the Virgin’s Son, Christ.
An Mhaighdean nár truaillíodh, the Virgin undefiled.