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An t-~ a bhaint, a ligean, a thógáil, to weigh anchor.
Tá sin ~ ar mo choinsias, that is weighing on my conscience.
An t-ancaire a chrochadh, to weigh anchor.
~ crochta, tógála, meáite, suspension, draw-, weigh-, bridge.
Ná lig dó luí ar do choinsias, don’t let it weigh on your conscience.
Tá a chúram ag luí go trom air, his responsibilities weigh heavily on him.
Rud a thomhas sa mheá, to weigh sth. on the scales, in the balance.
Lód a mheá, to weigh a load.
Rud a mheá ar na scálaí, ar do bhos, to weigh sth. in the scales, in one’s hand.
Mheáfadh sé trí cinn acu, it would weigh as much as three of them.
Ceist, tuairim, a mheá, to weigh a question, an opinion.
An mhaith agus an t-olc a mheá, to weigh the good against the evil.
~ ancaire, weighing of anchor.
Bhí sé do mo thomhas i rith an ama, he was weighing me up all the time.
Páipéar a thromú, to weigh paper.
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