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~ chéile, wife.
Mo bhean, my wife.
A chéad bhean, his first wife.
~ Sheáin, Seán’s wife.
Comhrá ~, old wives’ tales.
~ fir, mná; fear ~, bean chéile, husband, wife.
~ cailleach, old wives’ tales.
Bhí a bhean ar a chúla leis, his wife was riding pillion with him.
Lánúin a dheighilt, to cause husband and wife to separate.
Tá sé ag ~ le bean, he is hoping for a wife.
Múinteoir is ea an bhean, an fear, the wife, the husband, is a teacher.
Tá sé ag ~ lena bhean, le fir eile, he is jealous of his wife, of other men.
D’fhág a bhean é, his wife left him.
Bean a fháil, to get a wife.
Í féin, the wife; the woman of the house.
Céile a ghabháil, to take a wife, a husband.
An ngabhann tú léi mar chéile? Do you take her to be your wife?
Fear, bean, a ghlacadh mar chéile, to take a husband, a wife.
~tha seanbhan, old wives’ tales.
Ba chara dóibh é as ~ a mhná, he was friendly with them on account of his wife.
Lena fáil ~ bhean, to get her as a wife.
~ na mballach, sea-wife.
An ~ is a mháthair; an ~ mór is a bhean, all the world and his wife.
3. An ~, the old woman, the wife.
Tá ~ beo go fóill ach níl seisean, she (the wife) is still alive but he (the husband) is not.
Shroich sé sonuachar dó féin, he got himself a good wife.
Thréig sé a bhean agus a chlann, he deserted his wife and children.
A bhean ~a, the wife of his bosom.
Ní thug a mná ~ orthu, their wives took no notice of them.
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