feather1, s. 1 Cleite m. Contour feathers, cleití crutha. To show the white feather, loiceadh. I tried to smooth his ruffled feathers, d'fhéach mé le suaimhneas a chur ann. You could have knocked me down with a feather, d'fheadfá mé a leagan le tráithnín. Fine feathers make fine birds, eochair uaisle éadach. 2 Clúmh m. To be in full feather, (i) an chluimhreach a bheith curtha ag (éan); (ii) (of pers.) bheith gléasta gan cháim. To be in high feather, bheith lán d'anam, teaspúil. They are birds of a feather, is mar a chéile iad. Birds of a feather flock together, aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile. 3 Mil: Cleite m. That's a feather in his cap, sin cleite ina sciathán. 4 Mec.E: Teanga f.
feather2 . 1 a Cleitím (hata, ga). To tar and feather s.o., clúmh agus tarra a chur ar dhuine. He is feathering his nest, tá sé ag cnuasacht saibhris. b Row: Sliosaim (maide rámha). 2 v.i. a (Of young bird) The birds are feathering (out), tá cluimhreach á chur ag na héin. b The snow comes feathering down, titeann an sneachta ina lubhóga.
Birds of a feather, bráithre mpl aon cheirde. S.a. KILL2 1.
Cost: Feather boa, muince f chleití.
(Of bird) It casts its feathers, folann sé.
Feather duster, cleite m dustála.
A bird that fluffs up its feathers, éan a thógann a chleití, a chluimhreach.
Fuss and feathers, galamaisíocht f, éirí m in airde.
Jackdaw in peacock's feathers, gabhar agus culaith shíoda air.
Light as a feather, chomh héadrom le sop.
F: Hum: The feathered people, treibh na n-eiteog.
(Of bird) To prink its feathers, é fhéin a chluimhriú, a phiocadh.
The feathered race, éanlaith an aeir.
The bird ruffles (up) its feathers, cuireann an t-éan colg air féin.