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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: óbair · hobair · íobair · dóbair · fóbair
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obair, f. (gs. oibre, pl. oibreacha).Work. 1. (a) Labour, activity, task. ~ a dhéanamh, to work. Déan do chuid oibre, get on with your work. Dul i gceann oibre, to set to work. ~ throm, éadrom, heavy, light, work. ~ an lae, the day’s work. ~ oíche, night-work. ~ ar thasc, task-work. ~ chonartha, contract work. ~ spáide, phinn, spade-, pen-, work. ~ earraigh, thalmhaíochta, spring, agricultural, work. ~ intinne, mental work. ~ scoile, bhaile, school-, home-, work. ~ tí, domestic work. Prov:As an ~ a thagann an fhoghlaim, practice makes perfect. Lá oibre, a day’s work; a working day. S.a. capall 1, fear11(d), tosach. (b) Employment. ~ a bheith agat, to have work, to be in employment. Bheith as ~, to be out of work. Fear gan ~, workless man. Cuireadh as ~ iad, they were put out of work. 2. (a) (Product of) work. ~ láimhe, handiwork. ~ shnáthaide, needlework. ~ lása, lacework. ~ phaistí, phíosála, patchwork. ~ chloiche, stonework, masonry. ~ adhmaid, ghloine, leathair, woodwork, glasswork, leatherwork. ~ ealaíne, work of art. Is breá an ~ atá sa doras sin, there is fine workmanship in that door. Prov:Molann an ~ an saor, ‘the work commends the craftsman,’ a man may be judged by his achievements. (b)Theol:Oibreacha Dé, the works of God. (c) (Of meritorious acts) Oibreacha corpartha na trócaire, corporal works of mercy. 3. Strenuous effort, difficulty. Tá ~ agam leo, I find them hard to manage. Beidh ~ agat é a dhéanamh, you will have a job to do it. Le h~ a fuair mé uaidh é, I had difficulty in getting it from him. Thug sé ~ dom, it took me all my time. Ba mhór an ~ dó gan mé a bhualadh, he could hardly restrain himself from hitting me. Níorbh ~ liom é, I would think nothing of it.Ba bheag an ~ lae dó é, it was the least he could do. Tá ~ aige a bheith an fad sin amuigh, he can hardly be so long gone. 4. (a)Carry-on, conduct. Cén ~ í seo ort? What is this you are up to? Is ait an ~ atá air, it is a strange way for him to act. A leithéid d’~! Such carry-on! Seo ~ an diabhail atá ort, this is the devil’s work you are doing. Cuir uait na hoibreacha sin ort, drop those antics of yours. (b) Cause of wonder. Is mór an ~ mura bhfuil a shaibhreas déanta aige, it is surprising if he hasn’t made a fortune. Is mór an ~ liomsa mura bhfuil sé fíor, I’ll be greatly surprised if it is not true. Ba mhór an ~ nár maraíodh é, it is a wonder he was not killed. 5. (a) Constructional operation. ~ thógála, construction work. Oibreacha poiblí, public works. (b) Plant, manufactory. Oibreacha uisce, ola, iarainn, waterworks, oilworks, ironworks. (c) Structural part. (Of boat) Íseal san ~, low in structure. (d) Operative parts. Oibreacha cloig, meaisín, the works of a clock, of a machine. (e) Fortification. Oibreacha cosanta, defensive works. Oibreacha tosaigh, advance works. 6. (Used in manner of vn., intransitively, with ag)(a) (Of person) Ag ~, at work, working. Ag ~ ar an talamh, in oifig, working on the land, in an office. Ag ~ ar fhéar, ar leabhar, working at hay, on a book. Ag ~ le peann, ar pá, working with a pen, for pay. Tá sé ag ~ dó féin, he is self-employed. (b) (Of thing) Rud a chur ag ~, to get sth. going. Coinnigh ag ~ é, keep it going. Níl an clog ag ~, the clock is not going. 7. (With ar) Ar ~, in action, proceeding, started. Tá an troid ar ~, the fight has started. Bí ar ~ air, make a start at it. Ná cuir ar ~ é, don’t start him off. Tá sibh ar ~ arís, you are at it again. Chonaic mé ar ~ é, I saw him in action. Tá sé ar ~ le huair, it has been going on for an hour.
~ ag an obair, able for, equal to, the work.
~ oibre, siúil, strength, capacity, for work, for walking.
Tá ~ aige ar obair throm, he can stand up to heavy work.
~ ar obair, ar ól, well able to work, to take drink.
Tabhair d’ ~ ar an obair, go about your work.
Níl m’~ leis an obair seo, I don’t care for this work.
Tá an obair seo ~ agam, I am unused to this work.
Tá ~ orm leis an obair seo, I am unused to this work.
~ ar obair tí, ar theagasc, inexperienced at house-work, at teaching.
Ní obair d’~ í, it is not (suitable) work for an inexperienced person, for a greenhorn.
Ag obair ar ~, working without necessary facilities.
In ~ a bheith ag obair, supposed to be working.
Níl ~ aige ar a chuid oibre, he is not attentive to his work.
Obair, turas, in ~, work, a journey, in vain.
D’~ sé air ag obair, he set to work.
~ oibre, working-time.
Ag obair de réir an ~a, working to time.
Scríobh, obair, ~, careless writing, work.
Tá an lá, an obair, ~ orm, my day, my work, is wasted.
In ~ ag an obair, able for, equal to, the work.
Obair na hoíche ~, tonight’s work.
~ oibre, siúil, strain of work, of travel.
Obair ~, distressing (outdoor) work.
Obair ~, easy work.
Ar an obair seo, at this work.
Tá obair mhaslach orainn, we are doing fatiguing work.
Sháraigh an obair air, he was unable for the work.
Mhill sé an obair orm, he spoiled the work on me.
Tá mé as cleachtadh na hoibre, I have lost practice at the work.
As obair, out of work.
Obair agus ~obair, work done again and again.
~ ar obair daoine eile, rehash of other people’s work.
~ oibre, spell of work.
~ ó Dhia ar an obair, God bless the work.
Obair, comhrá, sásamh, a bhaint as duine, to get work, conversation, satisfaction, out of s.o.
~ oibre, spell of work.
~ bhaile, fhiáin, mheala, oibre, hive-, bumble-, honey-, worker-, bee.
Is ~ an obair lae duit é, it’s the least you might do.
~ oibre, way, manner, of working.
Béarfaidh tú air (ar an obair, etc.), it (the work, etc.) is time enough.
Bheith ~ ar arán, ar obair, to live on bread, by work.
Bhí sé as obair, gan airgead, le cuthach, he was out of work, without money, in a fury.
Tá sé ag obair, he is working.
Rinne tú obair mhaith, má tá, you did good work, however.
Capall na hoibre an ~, one must eat to work.
~ oibre, sáibh, trasna, work-, saw-, cross-, bench.
Obair bhláfar, nicely-finished work.
Obair bhocht, poor work; disagreeable work.
Tá mo chuid oibre (ag imeacht) ar ~, my work is being neglected, going to loss.
~ oibre, work-table.
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