róst, v.t. & i. (pp. ~a). Roast. Feoil a ~adh, to roast meat. Caife a ~adh, to roast coffee. Tú féin a ~adh leis an tine, to roast oneself in front of the fire. Feoil, prátaí, ~a, roast meat, potatoes. S.a. almóinn.
~í scilte, meilte, rósta, shelled, ground, burnt, almonds.
~ (rósta), (roasting) spit.
~ rósta, potato roasted in ashes.
~ bhruite, rósta, boiled, roast, meat.
Cá bhfuil an ~ á róstadh anocht? Where is the fun to be to-night?
Ní féasta go rósta, nothing makes a feast like roast meat.
Rud a róstadh sa ghríosach, to roast sth. in embers.
2. ~ rósta, roasting jack.
~ fhuaraithe, rósta, shaillte, chilled, roast, corned, beef.
~ úr, ghoirt, rósta, fresh, salt, roast, pork.
2. ~ (práta rósta), rind (of roast potato).
~ bruite, rósta, boiled, roast, potato.
Bhí ~ an rí acu, they had a royal feast.
Ag díol as an ~, paying for extravagance.
~ rósta, the satisfying taste of roast meat.
Ní raibh róstadh an ~ acu, they had caught nothing (not even a fish for grilling).