ramhar1, m. (gs. -air). Thick part. ~ na coise, the thick of the leg.
ramhar2, a. (gsm. -air, gsf. & comp. raimhre, npl. -mhra). Fat, thick. 1. Duine, ainmhí, éan, ~, fat person, animal, bird. Pluca ramhra, fat cheeks. Chomh ~ le rón, as fat as a seal. 2. Píosa ~, thick piece. An t-arán a ghearradh go ~, to cut the bread thick. 3. Muineál ~, thick neck. An ceann ~ den bhata, the thick end of the stick. Is maith leis an ceann ~ den chnámh a bheith aige, he likes to have the best of the bargain. 4. Snáth ~, coarse thread. Meana ~, coarse awl. Corda ~, thick cord. Éadach ~, thick cloth. 5. Bainne, brachán, glóthach, ~, thick milk, porridge, jelly. Ola ~, viscous oil. 6. Súil ~, full eye. Dias ~, full ear (of corn). Seacht seachtaine ramhra, seven full, long, weeks. 7. D’éirigh an teanga ~ ina bhéal, he became thick of speech. 8. Tá sé ~ sa cheann, sa réasún, he is thick-headed, unreasoning. 9. ~ le, thickly covered with, full of. Tá an fharraige ~ le scadáin, the sea is swarming with herring.
~ ramhar, téachta, tiubh, thick milk.
Duine ~ ramhar, fat and flabby person.
Tá sé ramhar sa cheann, he is thick-skulled.
An ~ ramhar, caol, the thick, thin, end.
chun, le) ~adh chun raimhre, to incline to obesity.
~ óg, seasc, ramhar, young, dry, fat, cattle.
Chomh ramhar le ~, as fat as an ox.
~ téide, éadaigh, thickness of a rope, of cloth.
~ bainne, thickness of milk.
~ róin, fatness of a seal.
~ réasúin, thick-wittedness.
Dul i ~, chun ~, to get fat;
~ mhór, ~ ramhar, coarse needle.