sciath1, f. (gs. scéithe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Shield. (a) ~ chosanta, protective shield. Dul faoi do ~, to stand on the defensive; to get set for battle. Dul ar chúl scéithe le rud, to hedge about sth. Ní dheachaigh sé ar chúl scéithe leis, he said it straight out. S.a. buaileam, lámh1 1. (b) Protection, cover; protector. Thug sé faoina ~ iad, he brought them under his protection. Tá sé ina ~ chosanta aici, he shields her (from all censure). Ba iad ~ chogaidh na tíre iad, they were the protecting warriors of the land. ~ thar lorg a thabhairt d’arm, to cover the retreat of an army. (c) Protective screen. ~ a chur ar rud, to screen sth. ~ (chosanta) ar inneall leictreachais, shield on electric machine. ~ thine, fire-screen. (d) ~ armais, armorial shield. (e) Ent: Z: Shield. 2. (a) Shield-shaped basket. (b) Wicker-work door or screen. ~ chocháin, screen made of straw ropes. (Var: m, gs. scéith)
sciath2, m. (gs. scéith, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Lit: Wing. ~a iolair, eagle’s wings.
sciath3, v.t. (vn. ~adh m, gs. & pp. -ata). El.E: Screen.
~ scéithe a bhaint, to issue a challenge.
~ scéithe, boss of shield.
Sciatha ~a, embossed shields.
~ scéithe, boss of shield.
Sciath cheathrúnach, quartered shield.
~ scéithe, crest of shield.
Dealbh, sciath, chré-umha, bronze statue, shield.
Chuir siad ~ crann agus sciath air, they made a ring of spears and shields round him.
Sciatha ~a, hardwood shields.
~ sluasaide, scéithe, back, convex side, of shovel, of shield.
Ceap, cuaille, sciath, ~a, block, pole, shield, of alder.
~ scéithe, strap of shield.
~ na beannachta, na scéithe, the right, left, hand.
~a scéithe, lúirí, shield-, armour-, plates.
Ar ~ a scéithe, on the broad of his shield.
~ sciath, wall of shields, testudo.
~ scéithe, flange of shield.
Rinne siad ~ dá sciatha ina dtimpeall, they enclosed themselves within a protecting wall of shields.
Bhí na sleánna ag ~eadh dá sciatha, the spears were glancing off their shields.
~ scéithe, boss of shield.
Sciath le h~ an chatha, a shield for use in the battle.
~ scéithe, boss of shield.