suan, m. (gs. -ain). Sleep, slumber. Dul chun suain, to go to sleep, to retire to rest. Chuir sí na páistí chun suain, she put the children to sleep. Tá siad ina ~ codlata, they are fast asleep. Tá ~ ag teacht orm, I feel drowsy. Faoi shuan, at rest, asleep. S.a. biorán1 1, bradach2 1, deoch1 1.
Suan na muice bradaí, sly, ominous, silence.
~ sí, draoi, suain, fairy, druidic, sleep, charm.
~ chun suain, get off to sleep.
~ chodlata, ~ shuain, sleeping-draught.
Éirí as suan, to rise from sleep.
Tá siad ag ~áil faoi chónaí, faoi shuan, they are going to rest, to sleep.
Ba ghairid mo shuan, my sleep was short.
~ suain, sleeping facilities.
~ suain, uneven, uneasy, sleep.
Tá siad ag socrú chun suain, they are settling down to sleep.
Ag ~im chun suain, falling asleep.
Thit siad thart (ina gcodladh, chun suain), they dropped off (to sleep).
Tá siad ina d~ suain, they are fast asleep.
Is ~ a suan, they slumber deeply.