tolg1, m. (gs. & npl. toilg, gpl. ~). 1. Lit: Sleeping-compartment; sleeping-place, bed. 2. Couch, sofa. (Var:f)
tolg2, m. (gs. & npl. toilg, gpl. ~). 1. Attack; thrust, force. ~ na toinne, the force of the wave. Thug siad ~ trínn, they thrust their way through us. 2. Breach, gap; tear, rent. ~ an tairne, the rent caused by the nail. 3 = tolgán.
tolg3, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Attack, thrust; buffet, jolt. Bhí siad á dtolgadh le gaoth, they were being buffeted by the wind. 2. Brew, gather. Tá sé ag ~adh stoirme, there is a storm brewing. Bhí an spéir ag ~adh fearthainne, the sky threatened rain. Tá an chneá ag ~adh, the wound is gathering to a head. 3. Contract, develop, catch (illness, disease). Aicíd a tholgadh, to contract a disease. Tholg mé slaghdán as, I caught a cold from it. Tá sé ~tha, he is crocked.