Aquatic sports, cluichí mpl uisce.
Good at games, maith chuig, chun, cluichí.
The Capitoline Games, na Cluichí Caipeatólacha.
Ten: Men's doubles, cluichí ceathrar fear.
Out-door games, cluichí faoin aer.
Sch: Games master, máistir cluichí.
Olympic games, cluichí Oilimpeacha.
He went in for sports, ba fear mór cluichí é.
Indoor games, cluichí taobh istigh de dhoras.
The Olympic games, na cluichí Oilimpeacha.
Parlour games, cluichí mpl tí.
Robust games, cluichí bríomhara.
He goes in for sports, fear mór le cluichí é.