I detest it, is fuath liom é, tá an dearg-ghráin agam air.
He was divided between hatred and pity, níor threise an fuath ná an trua aige.
I hate to do that, is fuath liom sin a dhéanamh.
He incurred her hatred, thabhaigh sé a fuath; tharraing sé a fuath air féin.
He loathes being praised, is fuath leis go molfaí é.
He hates you as much as you like him, tá a oiread fuatha aige ort agus atá de chion agatsa air.
Woody nightshade, fuath gorm, dréimire gorm.
To nurse hatred, fuath a choinneáil istigh, a chothú.
To bring odium upon s.o., fuath (an phobail) a chur faoi dhuine.
To stir up hatred, fuath a mhúscailt.
Hate swelled up within him, bhí sé ag tórmach fuatha.
His love was turned to hate, rinne fuath den ghrá aige.
Unreasoning hatred, fuath m buile.
Violent dislike, fuath nimhe.
That was what I hated, ba shin é an rud ar thug mé fuath dó.
The woman who came to hate him, an bhean ar tháinig fuath aici dó.