The average Irishman, an gnáth-Éireannach.
He came, contrary to his usual custom, tháinig sé, rud nár ghnáth leis; tháinig sé, murab ionann agus riamh.
As a general thing, go hiondúil, de ghnáth.
In general, go coitianta, de ghnáth; i gcoitinne.
To get out of the groove, droim a thabhairt leis an ngnáth.
He is in the habit of. . ., is gnáth leis ...
Med: Normal temperature, gnáth-theas m -a.
Ordinary Englishman, gnáth-Shasanach, Sasanach cothrom.
As a (general) rule, de ghnáth.
To get out of the rut, droim a thabhairt don ghnáth.
Com: Stock size, gnáth-thomhas m,
In the ordinary way I am home by five o'clock, de ghnáth bím sa bhaile i dtrátha a cúig a chlog.