minister1, s. 1 Adm: Aire m. Minister of Defence, for Defence, Aire Cosanta. 2 Ecc: Ministir m.
minister2, To minister to s.o., to s.o.'s needs, fóirithint, friotháil, ar dhuine ina cheasnaí.
Cabinet minister, aire m; aire m rialtais.
I am directed by the Minister to state . . ., tá ordú agam ón Aire a rá ...
The post is in the gift of the minister, ag an aire atá an post a thabhairt.
Give my compliments to the minister, beir mo dhea-mhéin chuig an aire.
The post is in the minister's grant, tá bronnadh an phoist faoin aire,
The late minister, an t-iar-aire.
Officiating minister, ministir feidhmithe.
He made a savage onslaught on the minister, thug sé faoin aire go fíochmhar; d'ionsaigh sé an t-aire go fiáin.
The Minister is pleased to reward your services, is mian leis an aire cúiteamh a thabhairt duit as do sheirbhís.
Minister's port folio, cúram m aire.
Minister without portfolio, aire gan cúram roinne.
Prime Minister, (i) (in Ireland) Taoiseach m; (ii) Príomh-Aire m.
He is secretary to the minister, tá sé mar, ina, rúnaí ag an aire.