obligation, s. Oibleagáid f. a Ceangal m, dualgas m. To put, lay, s.o. under an obligation to do sth., a chur d'oibleagáid, a cheangal, ar dhuine rud a dhéanamh. You are under an obligation to do it, tá sé d'oibleagáid ort, tá sé dlite ort, a dhéanamh. Ecc: Day of obligation, lá saoire fógartha (Eaglaise). b Comaoin f. To be under an obligation to s.o., bheith faoi chomaoin ag duine. To lay, put, s.o. under an obligation, comaoin a chur ar dhuine. You are laying me under an obligation, tá tú ag cur comaoine orm. c Com: To meet one's obligations, do dhola a réiteach; na fiacha a íoc.
Obligations arising therefrom, oibleagáidí ag teacht de sin.
To repay the obligation, an chomaoin a chúiteamh.
Rigid obligation, oibleagáid dhoshéanta.
Sacramental obligation, móid f, ceangal m faoi bhrí na mionn
To be scrupulous in fulfilling an obligation, dualgas a chomhlíonadh go pointeáilte.
Treaty obligations, dualgais mpl faoi chonradh.