society, s. 1 a Cuideachta. f, caidreamh m. In the society of s.o., i gcomhluadar duine. He is fond of society, tá dúil sa chuideachta aige. b Cumann m sóisialta, sochaí f. One's duty to society, dualgas duine i leith a chomharsan. c Bot: Cuallaíocht f. d (High) society, an ghalántacht. To move in society, bheith i gcaidreamh daoine móra. Journ: Society news, scéala faiseanta. 2 Cumann m (na Croise Deirge, etc.). Society of Jesus, Cumann Íosa. Charitable society, cumann déirceach.
To affiliate s.o. to, with, a society, ball de chumann a dhéanamh de dhuine.
To affiliate (oneself) to, with, a society, comhcheangal le cumann, dul isteach mar bhall i gcumann.
To aggregate s.o. to a society, duine a thabhairt isteach i gcumann.
(Be connected) He belongs to the society, tá sé ina bhall den chumann.
Benefit society, cumann tairbhithe.
Benevolent society, cumann carthanach.
Co-operative society, comharchumannm.
County society, the county set, uaisle, daoine faiseanta, an chontae.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Cumann m Cosanta na nAinmhithe.
Debating society, cumann díospóireachta.
Doubtful society, comhluadar m éidearfa.
To call an extraordinary meeting of the society, cruinniú neamhghnách den chumann a ghlaoch.
The whole fabric of society, an creatlach sóisialta ar fad.
The foundations of modern society, bunús córas maireachtála an lae inniu.
Society of Friends, Cumann na gCairde.
Friendly Society, Cumann m Carthanachta.
Since his initiation into the society, ó tugadh isteach sa chumann é.
F: The lees of society, daoscarshlua m, dríodar na ndaoine.
(Of pers.) To move in high society, na huaisle a thaithí.
Society that musters a hundred (members), cumann a bhfuil céad ball ann.
Mutual benefit society, cumann comharthacaíochta.
Officers of a society, oifigigh chumainn.
The lower orders (of society), an aicme íseal.
outside the pale of society, beyond the pale, ar díbirt ón gcumann daonna.
Polite society, (i) an ghalántacht; (ii) lucht an léinn.
Provident society, cumann soláthair.
To school s.o. in society ways, fios béasa an tsaoil a mhúineadh do dhuine.
F: The scum of society, an scroblach m, an ghramaisc.
To seclude oneself from society, dul ar an uaigneas, fanacht amach ó chomhluadar daoine.
Smart society, the smart set, an ghalántacht.
No such society exists, níl a leithéid de chumann ann.
F: The sweepings of society, dríodar m, luspairt f, na ndaoine.
Temperance society, cumann ólséanta.
The top-notch people of society, fíorscoth f na galántachta.
The waifs of society, fágálaigh an chine dhaonna.
The ways of good society, béasa na huaisleachta; béasa creidiúnacha.