Tá ~ maíte acu as, they have reason to boast of him.
Mórtas, gaisce, a dhéanamh as rud, to boast, vaunt, about sth.
(Focal mór, gealltanas) agus ~ leis, vain, empty (boast, promise).
Maíomh na bh~ folamh, vain boasting.
Ag maíomh a uaisle agus a fholaíochta, boasting of his nobility and descent.
~ a dhéanamh as rud, to boast about sth.
~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to boast of sth.
~ díot an mórtas, give over your boasting.
Maíomh as rud, to boast of sth.
Ná ~ thú féin as an lá amárach, boast not thyself of tomorrow.
~ a dhéanamh as rud, to boast of sth.
~ a dhéanamh as rud, to speak with pride of sth; to boast of sth.
~ a dhéanamh as rud, to boast about sth.