stró, m. (gs. ~). 1. Stress, exertion. ~ a chur ort féin le rud, to exert oneself at sth.; to put oneself to trouble to do sth. Rud a dhéanamh gan ~, to do sth. without difficulty. Ní ~ ar bith leis é, it is no trouble to him. Faoi ~, under stress. Nach ort atá an ~? Why can’t you take it easy? 2. Interruption, delay. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to keep s.o. from his work; to delay s.o. by talking to him. Níor cuireadh cosc ná ~ orm, no one interfered with me in the least. 3. Means, wealth. Ar bheagán ~, badly off. Prov: Is maith ~ agus ní maith ró~, it is better to live comfortably than to have too much of the world’s goods. 4. (a) Ostentation, pride. ~ a dhéanamh as rud, to boast about sth. (b) Elation. Bhí ~ mór uirthi as an rud a rinne sí, she was very pleased with herself on account of what she had done. (Var: ~bh m)