bulla1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Buoy. ~ eangaí, float (of net). ~ cloig, bell-buoy. ~ feistithe, mooring-buoy. ~ a chur amach, to put down a buoy. 2. Anat: Bulla.
bulla2, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). Ecc: Bull.
bulla3, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). St. Exch: Bull.
bulla4, m. (In phrase) ~ gaoithe, gust of wind.
bulla5, m. (In phrase) ~ (bó) báisín, whirligig, revolving motion. Páistí ag déanamh ~ báisín, children playing roundabout. Madra ag déanamh ~ báisín i ndiaidh a eireabaill, a dog chasing its tail. Tá mo cheann ina bhulla báisín, my head is spinning. Rinne sé ~ báisín de féin ag ól, he drank himself dizzy.
bulla6 = bolla.