ceilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of ceil. 2. Concealment. ~ báis, bróin, concealment of death, of sorrow. ~ fírinne, scannail, suppression of truth, of scandal. Faoi cheilt, secretly, furtively. Níl ~ ar bith ann, he can’t keep a secret. Níl ~ aige ar rud ar bith, he keeps, is keeping, nothing back. Rud nach bhfuil ~ air, what cannot be kept dark. 3. Withholding, denial. ~ dí ar dhuine, withholding of drink from s.o. 4. Cards: Reneging.
1. Scéal, rún, imní, a cheilt, to conceal a story, a secret, anxiety.
Níl maith a bheith á cheilt, it is no good trying to keep it dark.
Níl sé á cheilt ar aon duine, he makes no secret of it.
Níl sé ~te orm, I am not unaware of it.
Níl dada ~te air, he is wise to everything.
2. A chuid a cheilt ar dhuine, to deny someone his portion.
3. Cárta a cheilt, to renege a card.
4. Do mhuintir a cheilt, to deny one’s people.
Ní féidir an fhírinne a cheilt, truth will out.
Nithe ceilte, hidden things, secrets.