Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: art · dairt · dar · dara · deart
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Seans gur foirm é dart de: art »
dart, f = dairt1,2.
3. ~ dhiúractha, dart; dart of pain.
Ga, cloch, a dhiúracadh, to hurl a dart, a stone.
Bhí sé ina dhoirte dhairte, everybody was darting about, hustling.
Sciurdann éan as gach ~, ‘a bird darts out of every flock’, exceptional characters are to be found in all communities.
~ a thabhairt faoi dhuine, to make a dart at, attack, s.o.
~ a thabhairt faoi dhuine, to make a dart at s.o.; to scold s.o.
Ag ~ (timpeall), darting about.
Imeacht sna gáinní, to dart, rush, off.
Súile ~a, darting eyes.
~ a thabhairt, to make a dart, a dash.
An chéad ~ a rinne sé, the first dart he made.
~ reatha, quick run, dart.
Scinneadh do thaobh, to dart sideways.
Na pianta ag ~adh a choirp, the pains darting through his body.
~ cnoic, ~ díobhaill, ~ millte, ‘fairy dart’, louping-ill.
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