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Focail chosúla: dealbhú · dearbh · dearbh- · arbhú · darbh
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Seans gur foirm é dearbhú de: dearbhaigh »
dearbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe, pl. -bhuithe). 1. vn. of dearbhaigh. 2. Declaration; affirmation, attestation; confirmation, assurance. ~ a dhéanamh, to make a declaration. ~ reachtúil, sollúnta, statutory, solemn, declaration. ~ custaim, dílseacháin, customs, vesting, declaration. ~ díbhinne, dócmhainneachta, declaration of dividend, of insolvency. Ordú dearbhaithe, declaratory order. ~ a thabhairt le rud, to confirm, to give an assurance of, sth. Dá dhearbhú sin, as proof of that. De dhearbhú an scéil, to bear out the story. Mar dhearbhú go bhfuil an ceart agam, to prove that I am right. Arna n~ i gcruatan, when they were tested in hardship.
Dleacht, dearbhú, custaim, customs duty, declaration.
Dearbhú le rud, to testify to sth.
Dearbhú ~, base assertion.
Dearbhú, ordú, dílseacháin, vesting declaration, order.
Dearbhú faoi mhionn, to testify on oath.
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