Duine a ardú san intinn, to excite, anger, s.o.
Bhí ~ mór faoi, he was in a great rush, all excited.
Bhí siad ag ~áil as a gcraiceann, they were extremely excited.
Beidh ~ scéil air, it will excite wonder, become wondrous in the telling.
Spéis a mhúscailt i rud, to excite interest in sth.
Duine a oibriú, to work up, excite, s.o.
Tá ~ lena thóin, he is all excited; he can’t rest a moment.
~ a bheith ort (le rud), to be all excited (over sth.).
Mianta a ~adh, to excite passions.
Ná ~ é, don’t excite him.