tóg, v.t. & i. (vn. ~áil, pp. ~tha). Lift, raise; take up, take. 1. (a) Lift up. Cloch, ciseán, cupán, a thógáil, to lift a stone, a basket, a cup. ~ in airde os do chionn é, lift it up over your head. (b) Pick up from ground. Thóg na boinn giotaí de ghloine bhriste, the tyres picked up bits of broken glass. (c) Lift from bed in ground. Gairbhéal, prátaí, a thógáil, to lift gravel, potatoes. Thóg siad maide giúise, they dug out a log of bog-deal. Ag ~áil muiríní, gathering scallops. 2. (a) Set upright. Cuaille, crann loinge, a thógáil, to erect a pole, a ship’s mast. ~ aniar sa leaba é, lift him forward in the bed. (b) Hoist. An bhratach a thógáil, to raise the flag. (c) Give upward direction to. Do lámh, do shúile, a thógáil, to raise one’s hand, one’s eyes. 3. (a) Build. Teach, balla, claí, a thógáil, to build a house, a wall, a dike. Thógamar seomra eile ó shin, we have built another room since then. (b) Build into stack. Coirce, móin, a thógáil, to stack oats, turf. 4. Rear. (a) Teaghlach a thógáil, to rear a family. An áit ar ~adh mé, where I was brought up. ~adh le léann, le Gaeilge, iad, they were brought up as educated people, as Irish speakers. Thóg siad ina cailín cneasta í, they brought her up as an honest girl. ~tha múinte, civilly brought up. (b) Ba, caoirigh, éanlaith, a thógáil, to raise cows, sheep, poultry. ~adh ar shadhlas iad, they were reared on silage. 5. (a) Elevate, elate. ~ do chroí, lift up your heart. Thóg an scéala sin ár meanma agus ár misneach, that news raised our spirits and our courage. (b) Rouse, excite. Ná ~ é, don’t excite him. Bhí a chuid fola ~tha, his blood was up. Tá sé ~tha sa cheann acu, they have turned his head. Tá an fharraige ~tha, the sea is agitated. (c) Cause to rise. Stoirm, gaoth mhór, a thógáil, to raise a storm, a high wind. (d) Stir up. Trioblóid a thógáil, to cause trouble. Thóg sé troid, he started a fight. Thógfadh focal mar sin conspóid, a word like that could raise a controversy. An mian leat tuilleadh achrainn a thógáil orainn? Do you want to involve us in a further quarrel? (e) Give rise to, introduce. Amhras, deacracht, a thógáil, to raise a doubt, a difficulty. Cé a thóg an cheist? Who raised the question? (f) Cause to ascend. Deannach, deatach, a thógáil, to raise dust, smoke. (g) Cause to rise on a surface. Cnap, spuaic, a thógáil, to raise a lump, a blister. (h) Cause to spread. Boladh a thógáil, to raise a smell. ~faidh sé plá, it will cause a plague. (i) Bring into action. Tuilleadh siúil a thógáil, to put on more speed. 6. Utter aloud. Gáir a thógáil, to raise a shout. Thóg sé (suas)amhrán, he started to sing a song. Tá na páistí ag ~áil calláin, the children are getting noisy. ~ do ghuth, raise your voice. ~ é, sing it. 7. (a) Ascend. Mala, cnoc, a thógáil, to ascend an incline, a hill. Is doiligh na céimeanna sin a thógáil, those steps are hard to climb. (b) Nau: Ceann tíre a thógáil, (i) to raise a headland, (ii) to round a headland. (c)Knitting: Lúb a thógáil, to cast on a stitch. Thóg sí lúb ar lár, she took up a dropped stitch. 8. (a) Collect. Cíos, cánacha, a thógáil, to collect rent, taxes. Cé a thóg na hofrálacha? Who collected the offerings? (b) Manage to get. Airgead, iasacht, a thógáil, to raise money, a loan. (c) Levy. Reisimint a thógáil, to raise a regiment. 9. (a) Take into conveyance. Paisinéirí a thógáil, to pick up passengers. Thóg mé iad in aice le Nás, I picked them up near Naas. (b) Have room for. An méid a thógfadh an bus, as many as the bus would take. ~faidh an bosca seo tuilleadh úll, this box will hold more apples. (c) Nau:Ag ~áil farraige, shipping seas. 10. (a) Learn, understand. Teanga, ceird, a thógáil, to pick up a language, a trade. Thóg mé ceathrú amháin den amhrán uaithi, I picked up one verse of the song from her. Níl ann ach focal a thóg sé uait féin, it is only a word he picked up from yourself. Thóg sé cuid mhaith ó na scoláirí, he learned a lot from the scholars. Thóg tú contráilte mé, you took me up wrong. (b) Take to be. Thóg sé mar achasán é, he took it as a reproach. Thógfá é ar dhaoine ciallmhara na háite, you would take him to be one of the most sensible people in the place. Thógfá ina iontas é, it would make you wonder. Ná ~ go bhfuil fearg orm, don’t get the idea that I am angry. 11. (a) Be infected with. Aicíd a thógáil, to contract a disease. Thóg mé an slaghdán uaidh, I caught the cold from him. (b) Absorb. Dath a thógáil, (of cloth) to take dye. ~ann an t-adhmad sin snas deas, that wood takes a nice polish. (c) Be affected by. ~ann an t-iarann meirg, iron is inclined to rust. ~faidh an bia blas na hola, the food will take the taste of the oil. (d) (Of material) Tine a thógáil, to ignite. (e) Acquire. Leasainm a thógáil, to acquire a nickname. (f) Be seized by. Geit a thógáil, to take fright. 12. (a) Take away. Thóg tú mo leabhar, you took my book. (b) Clear away. An bord a thógáil, to clear the table. ~ na gréibhlí sin, remove those knick-knacks. (c) Lift off fire, gas, etc. ~ an citeal, take off the kettle. 13. (a) Take possession of. Suíochán a thógáil, to occupy a seat. Tá na seomraí go léir ~tha, all the rooms are taken up. (b) Take to oneself. Áit duine eile a thógáil, to take someone else’s place. (c) Procure. Lóistín a thógáil, to take lodgings. Thógamar tacsaí, we took a taxi. (d) Avail oneself of. Lá saoire a thógáil, to take a holiday. ~ do scíth, rest yourself. (e) Choose. ~ do rogha ceann, take whichever one you like. An t-ainm a thóg sé, the name he took. (f) Go by. An cóngar a thógáil, to take the short cut. Cén bealach a thóg siad? Which way did they take? (g) Take on. ~sa an fear eile, you take the other man. (h) Take as example. ~ an cás seo, take this case as an example. ~ Brian anseo, take Brian here for instance. (i) Accept. Thairg mé a luach dó ach ní thógfadh sé é, I offered him the price of it but he wouldn’t take it. Thóg sé (suas) an geall, he took up the bet. (j) Proceed in certain manner. ~ go réidh é, take it easy. S.a. bog21(e). 14. (a) Undertake. Coiscéim a thógáil, to take a step. (b) Ascertain. Miosúr duine a thógáil, to take s.o.’s measure. (c) Phot: Pictiúr a thógáil, to take a picture. 15. Use up, require. Thógfadh sé (suas)barraíocht spáis, it would take up too much space. Thóg an obair sin trí bliana, that work took three years. ~faidh sé an lá uile orainn, uainn, it will take us all day. Thóg sé dhá thuras orthu an lón a bhailiú, they had to make two journeys to collect the provisions. 16. Seize, arrest. Thóg na gardaí é, the guards arrested him. ~adh an t-aon bhó a bhí acu, their only cow was seized. 17. Win, gain. Thóg sí an duais, she took the prize. Thógamar an rás, we won the race. Thóg mé an cúig sin leis an aon, I took that trick with the ace. 18. Léigear a thógáil, to raise a siege.
Tóg as a ~ é, take it out of his reach.
Glac, tóg, d’~ leis, take your time at it.
Tóg d’~ tamall, take a breather.
~ le tógáil, le hiompar, unwieldy to lift, to carry.
Tá mé tógtha i m~ agaibh, you have set tongues wagging about me.
Tóg as mo bhealach é, take it out of my way.
Tóg ceann ar ~ acu, take any one of them.
Tóg (go) ~ é, take it easy.
Le tógáil ar ~, to be taken fasting.
Níl tógáil a chinn aige, he is utterly disgraced.
Is mór an tógáil cinn dó é, it is a great uplift for him.
Ná tóg ~ ar bith dó, pay no attention to him.
Tóg an cheárta sin as mo bhealach, take that junk out of my way.
Ná tóg an focal sin chugat, don’t take that expression as referring to you.
Tá sé tógtha sa chloigeann; tá a chloigeann tógtha, he is light in the head.
Ná tóg aon chomhartha de, don’t take any notice of it.
Tóg faoi bhun do chúraim é, take it easy.
Tógadh go ~ é, he was tenderly reared.
Ná tóg orm an ~, pardon my presumption.
Tóg den bhord é, take it off the table.
Tóg as ~ a chéile, ceann as ~, iad, take them one by one (from the beginning), as they come.
Ag tógáil ~, shipping seas.
Bheith tógtha san fhuil, to have one’s blood up.
Bhí ~ acu ar an áit ar tógadh iad, they loved the place where they were brought up.
Tóg amach as seo ~, take them away out of here.
Tóg, caith, in ~ é, lift, throw, it up (on high).
Tá tógáil ~e ann, it raises one’s spirits.
Tóg an ceann íochtair, take the lower one, the one at the bottom.
Tá mé tógtha ó ~ acu, they are driving me crazy.
Ag tógáil leidhbe den bhán, stripping surface of lea.
Ag tógáil maróige, developing a paunch.
Anseo a tógadh mé, I was brought up here.
Iarann ag tógáil ~e, iron rusting.
Ag tógáil mosáin, causing unpleasantness.
Glac, tóg, go ~ é, take it easy.
Tá mala ~ le tógáil againn, we have a steep hill to climb.
Tóg ~, take a run (before you jump).
Tá an bád ag tógáil ~, the boat is shipping seas.
Ag tógáil siúil, gathering speed.
Tóg as mo shlí é, take it out of my way.
Tóg go ~ é, take it easy.
Tógáil stoic, stock-breeding.
Tógadh ó thalamh, amach ón ~, mé, I was lifted off the ground, I jumped with fright.
Ag tógáil teaghlaigh, rearing a family.
~ ar do ghualainn é, lift it up on your shoulder.
Ná ~ orm é, excuse me for it.
Ní ~tha air é, it is small blame to him.
~ orthu é! It was only to be expected of them.