~ ó ghlúin go glúin, down through the generations.
An líne a tháinig ina dhiaidh, the generation that came after him.
An ghlúin atá ag éirí aníos, the rising generation.
Ó ghinealach go ~, from generation to generation.
~ teasa, gaile, gáis, generation of heat, of steam, of gas.
Ó ghlúin go ~, from generation to generation.
Trí ghlúin daoine, three generations of people.
An ghlúin óg, the younger generation.
An ghlúin atá anois ann, a tháinig romhainn, atá ag éirí aníos, the present, preceding, rising, generation.
Mise an dara ~ uaidh, I am his descendant in the second generation.
An ~ (daoine) atá anois ann, the present generation.
Glúin nár saolaíodh go fóill, a generation yet unborn.
Lucht an tseansaoil, the people of old; the people of former generations.
~faidh na tithe sin glúin eile, those houses will stand for another generation.
Le ~, ancestrally, for generations.
Tháinig mise ar an treas glúin ina dhiaidh, I was born into the third generation that came after him.