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Focail chosúla: giúin · glúiní · glún · glúón · galún
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glúin, f. (gs. & npl. ~e, gpl. -ún). 1. Knee. (a)Dul ar do ghlúine, to go on one’s knees, to kneel. Chaith sé é féin ar a dhá ghlúin, he threw himself on his knees (in supplication). Tháinig sé anuas ar a dhá ghlúin ag achainí orm, he appealed to me on bended knee. Do ghlúin a chur fút, to get down on one’s knee. Níor chuir sé ~ faoi le fada, he hasn’t knelt (in prayer) for a long time. Níor bhuail sé a ghlúin faoi shagart ó shin, he hasn’t knelt before a priest (in confession) since then. Leanbh a chur ar do ghlúin(e), to take a child on one’s knee(s). Bróga, bríste, glún, knee-boots, -breeches. (b) Ar a ghlúine beaga, on his hunkers. 2. Generation. (a) Ó ghlúin go ~, from generation to generation. Trí ghlúin daoine, three generations of people. An ghlúin óg, the younger generation. An ghlúin atá anois ann, a tháinig romhainn, atá ag éirí aníos, the present, preceding, rising, generation. (b) Step in descent. ~ ghaoil, degree of relationship. ~ ghinealaigh, step in pedigree. (c) (Of person(s)) An chéad ghlúin ó Art, the first descendant(s) of Art. Mise an dara ~ uaidh, I am his descendant in the second generation. Is iad an treas ~ iad, they are related in the third degree; they are second cousins. Ba é ~ oiliúna na heagna é, he was the nurturer of wisdom in his day. 3. (a) Step in series. ~ staighre, step of stairs. (b)Carp: Mec: Knee, angular timber. 4. Bean ghlúine, midwife. 5. Bot: Node.
~ na láimhe, na huillinne, na glúine, na gualainne, wrist-, elbow-, knee-, shoulder-, joint.
Bhí an t-uisce ~ go glúine orm, the water was up to my knees.
~ ó ghlúin go glúin, down through the generations.
Ar a ghlúine, ar shlat a dhroma, on his knees, on the flat of his back.
~ chabhrach, ghlúine, midwife.
~ ar ghlúin bríste, bulge at trouser knee.
~ glún, knee-breeches.
~ glúine, knee-cap.
~ a dhéanamh (ar ghlúin duine), to jig ride (on s.o.’s knee).
2. ~ glúine, knee-cap.
Éirí ó do ghlúine, ó bhord, as cathaoir, to rise from one’s knees, from table, from a chair.
An ghlúin atá ag éirí aníos, the rising generation.
Do ghlúin a fheacadh, to bend one’s knee.
Níor fheac sé a ghlúin i láthair Dé, he did not bend the knee before God, kneel to pray.
Ní fheacann sé (a ghlúin) d’aon duine, he yields to no man.
~ glúine, genuflection.
Do ghlúine a fhilleadh, to bend one’s knees.
~ glúine, genu-flection.
~ ar do ghlúine, go on your knees.
3. ~ (glúine), knee-cap.
Go glúine san uisce, up to the knees in water.
~ glúine, stabbing pain in knee.
~ ghlúine, inchinne, water on the knee, on the brain.
~ den ghlúin, den bhóthar, below the knee, the road.
Do ghlúin a ~ean fút, to get down on one’s knee.
Chuaigh sé ar mhullach a dhá ghlúin, he went down on his bended knees.
Ó na glúine síos, from the knees downwards.
~ glún, knee-pad.
Bhí a ghlúine ~, his knees were exposed.
Glúin nár saolaíodh go fóill, a generation yet unborn.
Glúine ~a, knock-knees.
~faidh na tithe sin glúin eile, those houses will stand for another generation.
Tháinig mise ar an treas glúin ina dhiaidh, I was born into the third generation that came after him.
Bhí an t-uisce ag dul go glúine orm, the water was rising up to my knees.
Thit sé ar a ghlúine, he fell on his knees.
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