Tá ~ maise ar an teach aige, it has improved the appearance of the house.
Tháinig ~ air le gairid, he has improved of late.
Bhisigh sé ina shláinte, ina ghné, he improved in health, in appearance.
Bhisigh an saol ó shin, times have improved since then.
Tháinig ~ mhór ar an lá as sin amach, the day improved greatly from that on.
Tá na barra ag cur leo féin ó bhisigh an aimsir, the crops are progressing since the weather improved.
Tá ~ mór air, he has improved a lot; his health is much better.
Is mór a d’fheabhsaigh sí, she has improved a lot.
Tá ~ maith aige inniu, he feels much better, is improved a lot, today.
Is ~ a bhisigh sé, he has improved greatly.
Níl feabhas ná ~ air, he has neither improved nor disimproved.
Is mór a ~ sé, he has improved a lot.
Tá sé ag ~eadh amach go breá, he is filling out well, becoming physically much improved.